Current Research at Kemp
Kemp Station supports two long-term research projects on it’s property:
Long-term Bat Monitoring Station
In addition, each year, Kemp Station supports numerous research projects on a variety of topics related to Wisconsin’s natural resources. The list below shows projects, project leaders and their associations for the current calendar year. Projects are added to this list throughout the year.
Project Title | Name | Department & University or Agency |
Winter Dynamics of Belowground Biophysical Processes in Temperate Forest Soils in Wisconsin, USA | Balster, N. (Igirimbabazi, D.) | UW-Madison, Soils and Environmental Sciences |
Deer Exclosures/Forest soils | Balster, N. (Taylor, A.) | UW-Madison, Soils and Environmental Sciences |
KNRS Deer Exclosures: Evaluation of Ecological Impacts | Bowe, S. | UW-Madison, Kemp Natural Resources Station |
Wisconsin 2022 Logger Survey | Bowe, S. | UW-Madison, Forest and Wildlife Ecology |
Understanding Kiln Drying Capacity in the Lake States | Bowe, S. | UW-Madison, Forest and Wildlife Ecology |
Understanding Stress Development in Vacuum Dried Hardwood Lumber | Bowe, S. | UW-Madison, Forest and Wildlife Ecology |
A Comparison of Warp in Conventional Steam Dried vs. Vacuum Dried Hardwood Lumber | Bowe, S. | UW-Madison, Forest and Wildlife Ecology |
Simulating assisted migration for three pine species common to the Great Lakes. | Bronson, D. | US Forest Service, Northern Research Station |
Effects of front-facing sonar on walleye catch rates | Dembkowski, D. | UW-Stevens Point, Wisconsin Cooperative Fishery Research Unit |
Leveraging high-throughput genotyping and phenotyping technologies to accelerate wheat improvement and mitigate the impacts of climate change | Gutierrez, L. (Dhakal, R.) | UW-Madison, Plant & Agroecosystem Sciences |
Nitrogen dynamics in Agroecosystem | Hall, S. (Yadav, H.) | UW-Madison, Plant & Agroecosystem Sciences |
Rural unexplained excess mortality in the COVID-19 pandemic | Jones, M. | UW-Madison, Community & Environmental Sociology |
Desired Regeneration Though Assisted Migration (DReAM) | Kern, C. | US Forest Service |
Evaluation and enhancement of wildlife monitoring methods and analysis of wildlife data in Wisconsin | Margenau, L. | Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources |
RCAP - Perennial Sunflower (Silphium integrifolium) Biomass is not Affected by Intercrop Species | Picasso, V. (Dhariwal, A.) | UW-Madison, Plant & Agroecosystem Sciences |
Wisconsin Black Bear Litter and Diet Study | Price Tack, J. | Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources |
Invasive forest insect pests | Raffa, K. | UW-Madison, Entomology |
Tree Improvement Program - Lake Tomahawk white pine orchard | Seaborne, S. | UW-Madison, Forest and Wildlife Ecology |
Balancing Waterfowl and Wild Rice: Research to Inform Management and Restoration | Shipley, A. | Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources |
WICST grazing impacts trials | Silva, E. (Cooksey, C.) | UW-Madison, Plant and Agroecosystem Sciences |
Wisconet | Wienkes, C. | UW-Madison, Plant and Agroecosystem Sciences |
Long-Term Bat Monitoring Station | White, J. Paul | Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources |
Wisconsin Insect Biodiversity Survey | Young, D. | UW-Madison, Entomology |