Frequently Asked Questions
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About Kemp
There is no formal check-procedure. You may go directly to the building/s you have reserved.
Can I get a key for my room? Keys are not available for rooms.
Do I need to bring my sleeping bag? Optional. Bed linens, blankets and pillows are available for use at Kemp. However, many prefer to bring their sleeping bag, or perhaps their own blanket and/or pillow. This is a personal choice.
Can I set up my tent? No. Camping is not permitted on Station property. If you would like to camp, you may do so at nearby state and private campgrounds.
Does Kemp have “quiet hours?” Yes. Quiet hours are from 10:00 pm to 6:00 am. During quiet hours, users are asked to gather and socialize in common areas away from sleeping rooms and away from windows of sleeping rooms if outside.
About Reservations and Costs
When can we make a reservation request for next year? Reservation requests for the next calendar year are accepted beginning October 1. More details…
Can our group use the entire Lodge, even if we don’t need all the beds? During certain times of the year, a group may have the entire Lodge to themselves simply because there are no other requests for the space. However, during high demand periods, it is not uncommon for the Lodge to house multiple small groups of users. During such times, exclusive use of any building will result in additional fees. More details…
Can we choose what building we want to stay in? Usually not. Space is assigned based on use, group size and space availability. The Mead Residence Hall is used primarily by various researchers from May through August, many who are extended-stay.
Can a group use Kemp just for an event, without overnight lodging? Yes, provided adequate space is available for the desired date. A per person classroom use fee is charged based on the amount of time the space is used. More details…
What happens if I have to cancel or change my reservation? If you need to cancel or change your reservation, please notify Kemp as soon as possible as additional fees may apply. More details…
How much does it cost to stay at Kemp? The nightly lodging rate is determined by the type of use: research, instruction, outreach, or conference/meeting. More details…
Does Kemp Station accept credit cards for payment? Invoices may be paid on-line with a credit card. Credit cards are not accepted in person or by phone.
About Amenities
Do you have a cook on site to prepare meals? No. Food and food preparation is the responsibility of Kemp users. Gas grills are available for use. Prepared food/catering is available from area businesses.
Are there laundry facilities at Kemp? Yes. A washer and dryer are located in both the lower level of the Mead Residence Hall and the Lodge. Individual detergents and dryer sheets are available for purchase in each location.
About Policies and Rules
Can I bring my dog with me?
Yes, pets are allowed only in the following pet-friendly buildings with advance permission:
- Cabin
- Office/Lab building
- lower level bedrooms and hallway of Mead Residence Hall
Pets are NOT allowed in the following buildings/spaces:
- Lodge
- Kitchen & Dining Hall
- Upper level of Mead Residence Hall
- Mead Lounge/Library
- Connor Forestry Center
Other expectations related to pets are as follows:
- Pets will be under the immediate control of their owners at all times. This means on leash or under voice command (pet comes when called).
- Owners will clean up after pets and will be charged for damage caused by pets. Indoor accidents made by your pet will be reported to Kemp staff immediate to allow for timely cleaning.
- All pet related supplies will be kept in your assigned room (food and water bowls, toys, leashes, litter box, etc.)
- Access for pets to the Mead Residence Hall is through the upper North entry (by stair well) or in the rear, lower level single door which enters into the hall way.
- Owners will provide pets with bed/bedding from home. Kemp linens and blankets are not to be used as pet bedding.
- Pets may be stressed when left alone in an unfamiliar place. Owners are expected to be familiar with their pets needs and behaviors. If you must leave your pet in the Cabin or Mead room, crating your pet may be in its best interest, both for their comfort and to prevent unwanted behaviors (i.e., scratching the door to get out, barking, etc.).
Is it okay to have my friends or family come visit while I’m working at Kemp? Yes, provided you have prior approval from the Superintendent or Office Manager. Overnight lodging for guests must be arranged in advance. Guests may stay up to two consecutive nights. Kemp users are responsible for their guest’s behavior while on the property.
Where can I park? Park only in graveled parking areas shown on the map and adhere to posted signs. If you are unclear about where you can park, please contact any member of the Kemp staff.
Is it okay to have alcohol at Kemp? Yes, provided you are of legal drinking age and have filed a signed Alcohol Beverage Policy & User Agreement form.
Is smoking allowed at Kemp? Kemp Station is a smoke-free campus. Use of tobacco, smoking, and vaping (e-cigarettes) is prohibited on Kemp Natural Resources Station property which includes all indoor and outdoor spaces and University owned vehicles. An exception to this policy may be requested of the Station Superintendent in the case of a cultural or religious ceremony or event held at Kemp Station.
Do we have to wash our own dishes? Yes! Users are expected to wash and put away all of the dishes they use during their stay immediately after use.
Does Kemp separate recycling from trash? Yes. Separate collection containers are provided and labeled for recyclables. Containers are also provided for food waste which is composted. Please pay attention to signs on containers and dispose of items properly.
About Kemp in General
Can I come hike at Kemp? The University of Wisconsin has implemented a Closed Campus policy for all remote field stations, including Kemp Natural Resources Station. This means that you must have written permission to be on Kemp Station or other UW field station properties. “No Trespassing” signs are posted at the main entrance, boat launch, and boathouse. Please contact Karla, 715-358-5667 or, or Scott, 715-892-0391, if you wish to arrange a visit to the property.
Does the Kemp name have anything to do with the ice cream company? No, although Kemp is a family name. The granddaughters of the original land owners, Edward and Minnie Kemp, donated the property to UW-Madison in 1960. Edward operated a screen door and stove board factory in Rhinelander. More on history…
Why is there a big warning, do not enter sign, at the entrance of Kemp Road? Kemp Road is a private road. Some of the property on either side of the road is owned by members of the Kemp Woods Association, a private landowner group. The sign was placed at the road entrance by this group. Approved users of and visitors to Kemp Station are authorized to travel Kemp Road to the Station. Please note that the side roads are private and should not be traveled as they lead to private homes.
How do I get a job at Kemp? Staff at Kemp Station are UW-Madison employees and were hired through the University’s hiring process. The Kemp staff is made up of just four positions — superintendent, office manager, facilities technician, and custodian. Vacancies are rare in these positions, but when they occur, they are listed at
Can we hold our family reunion at Kemp Station? No. Eligible users of Kemp Natural Resources Station include:
- University of Wisconsin-Madison faculty, staff, and students,
- Representatives of research or educational institutions, and
- Resource managers from public and private agencies
who are conducting official business that relates to the spirit and mission of Kemp Station.
About Working at Kemp
Is it okay for my spouse and children to accompany me? Yes. Your spouse and children are welcome to stay with you while you are working at Kemp, provided that lodging space is available. If your child/ren are under the age of 18, you must submit a Release of Liability. We do expect the primary user to work at least ½ time while using Kemp Station. Enjoy the remainder of your time with your family. Teaching, outreach, and research are the primary mission at Kemp Station.
Can I have mail sent to me at Kemp? Yes. Mail can be sent to you using Kemp’s mailing address, 9161 Kemp Rd, Woodruff, WI 54568. Your mail will be brought to the building in which you are staying by a Kemp staff member. If you have your mail forwarded by the USPS, shortly before you leave Kemp, please remember to file a new forwarding order with the USPS.
How do I access the Internet at Kemp? WiFi access is available in all Station buildings with the password, kempstation. Internet access is also available on the PCs in the computer lab and by connecting your computer to a data jack in Mead with an Ethernet cable.
Can I use the printer at Kemp? Yes. If you need to print something, you may do so from one of the computer lab machines. If you will be at Kemp long term and wish to print from your personal computer, contact office staff for details.
Can I make photocopies at Kemp? Yes. The copier is located in the computer lab in the Office/Lab Building. If you will be making more than 100 copies during your visit, you are asked to record the number of copies above 100 that you make. Please see Karla or Scott for more information.
Can I send a fax from Kemp? Please see Karla or Scott for assistance if you need to send a fax.
I have a lot of research gear. Is there someplace at Kemp this can be stored? Please contact Karla or Scott to discuss your storage needs. Kemp has both indoor and outdoor storage areas for equipment and gear.
How can we be reached at Kemp, in case of an emergency? Callers may also get a message to you by calling Scott, 715-892-0391 (cell), or Karla, 715-358-5667 (office).