Kemp’s Point Newsletter
Kemp’s Point is the official newsletter of the Kemp Natural Resources Station. Published twice a year, the newsletter reports on the research, teaching, and outreach activities taking place at the Station.
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Past Issues:
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Newsletter Issue | Topics |
Fall 2024 - Vol. 25, No. 2 | Botany, wild rice, waterfowl, soil, smooth greensnake |
Spring 2024 - Vol. 25, No. 1 | Advanced Taxonomy of diptera, cellar spider, Glen Stanosz, John Cary, selfheal |
Fall 2023 - Vol. 24, No. 2 | Deer, wolves, CWD, Michael Menon, Ekaterina Khadonova, Madelyn Anderson, Wisconet, fish, Motus, chickadee |
Spring 2023 - Vol. 24, No. 1 | Migratory birds, redstart, ruffed grouse, winter, serviceberry, boreal birds |
2022 Fall - Vol. 23, No. 2 | Ruffed grouse, winter habitat, Pairsa Belamaric, Loon Project, Sarah Slayton, conferences, Great Lakes Kiln Drying Association, outreach memories (photos), Northern maidenhair fern (Adiantum pedatum) |
2022 Spring - Vol. 23, No. 1 | Forest Operations camp, gall midge (Cecidomyiidae), tree risk, MIAD winter science, common raven |
2021 Fall - Vol. 22, No. 2 | Red oak, nitrogen, monarch butterflies, Subarctic Darner (Aeshna subarctica), Black-tipped Darner (Aeshna tuberculifera), dwarf mistletoe (Arceuthobium pusillum), walleye, bracken fern |
2021 Spring - Vol. 22, No. 1 | Wildlife abatement, airports, Kemp Phenocam, spring ice, Walk Down a Dirt Road, Kemp beetles, Flickr, American carrion beetle |
2020 Fall - Vol. 21, No. 2 | A Strange Year, biodiversity, birds, beetles, SnapShot Wisconsin photos, black ash wetlands, EAB, wolf depredation, Mycorrhizal fungi, Eastern phoebe, |
2020 Spring - Vol. 21, No. 1 | How plants grow in shade, sugar maples, light, skunks, bud capping, white pine, deer, rare trees, Wisconsin Insect Biodiversity Study, junebug |
2019 Fall - Vol. 20, No. 2 | Wisconsin Insect Fest, Great Wisconsin Bug Hunt, American woodcock, ring-necked ducks, fishery management, walleye, muskellunge, white spruce seed production, earthworm density, old growth forest, CHEESEHEAD, NEON, star-nosed mole |
2019 Spring - Vol. 20, No. 1 | Wildlife mini-symposium, Mead water damage, black-capped chickadee |
2018 Fall - Vol. 19, No. 2 | American woodcock, fungi, Clean Boats Clean Water, white spruce seed production, lobster mushroom |
2018 Spring - Vol. 19, No. 1 | Forestry, Forest Operations, housefly, science mini-symposium, thistle, sugar maple |
2017 Fall - Vol. 18, No. 2 | Mushrooms, Northstate Mycological Club, Northern goshawk, nematode parasite, dragonfly nymphs, APHIS Wildlife Services internship, beaver, bear, wolf, Connor Forestry Center open house, Snapshot Wisconsin, Northern walkingstick |
2011 Spring - Vol. 12, No. 1 | MIAD Limnology, Paul Engevold, carport, pavilion, Daughters of Demeter, Polyphemus Moth, Antheraea polyphemus, Modest Sphinx, Pachysphinx modesta, One-eyed Sphinx, Cerisy’s Sphinx, Smerinthus cerisyi, paper wasp, river otter, Spring at Kemp |
2014 Spring - Vol. 15, No. 1 | MIAD, winter lake, Emily Ebert, Maurizio Murru, Paul Engevold, coyote, canid sense of smell, killdeer |
2013 Spring - Vol. 14, No. 1 | UW Madison biometry, Keith Phelps, Meagan Backhaus, Science on Tap Minocqua, Polygala paucifolia, gay-wing, fringed polygala, twinflower, Linnaea borealis, tree bark, William Klase, blue jay |
2012 Spring - Vol. 13, No. 1 | Bats, Steve Lasee, forest management, Collin Buntrock, grey garden slug, Forest and Climate Leaders in Menominee and the Environment, Ankur Desai, Forget-Me-Not |
2010 Spring - Vol. 11, No. 1 | UW-Madison Biometry, forest inventory, Alex Rahmlow, Mead donor mural, deer activity, Watching Robins Run, red fox |
2009 Spring - Vol. 10, No. 1 | American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, Hannah Uhlenhake, MIAD, limnology, Kristen Palzkill, Wisconsin Lake Leaders Institute, shoreland planting, bats, white nose syndrome, John Paul White, crow, scavengers, Goldthread, Coptis groenlandica |
2007 Spring - Vol. 8, No. 1 | MIAD, limnology, Tephritidae, Gary Steck, spotted knapweed, Mead Residence Hall lower level finishing |
2006 Spring - Vol. 7, No. 1 | Wisconsin Cooperative Fishery Research Unit, Michael Bozek, soil, Bracken Fern, Pteridium aquilinum, Low Sweet Blueberry, Vaccinium angustifolium, Sweetfern, Comptonia peregrina, Tom Steele, Friend of Forestry Award, Mead Residence Hall dedication, Karla Ortman, Classified Employee Recognition Award |
2005 Spring - Vol. 6, No. 1 | Forest Operations, forest stewardship, snakes, humans and reptiles, Rebecca Christoffel |
2008 Fall - Vol. 9, No. 2 | Timberdoodles, woodcock, Amber Roth, fish nests, spawning, smallmouth bass, bluegills, Sara Schmidt, Poa nemoralis, wood bluegrass, Josh Sulman, flying squirrels, Stephanie Steinhoff, porcupine, American Marten, Martes americana |
2008 Spring - Vol. 9, No. 1 | Fur bearing mammals, Dan Haskell, bats in winter, Fralish Library & Lounge, Mead Residence Hall, The Wisconsin Idea, old-growth forest, Drs. Karl Martin, Wisconsin DNR; Brian Palik, U.S. Forest Service; Craig Lorimer, UW-Madison; and Chris Webster, Michigan Technological University, musky spawning, Joe Nohner, MIAD, limnology, fisher, Martes pennanti |
2012 Fall - Vol. 13, No. 2 | Kemp internship, videos, Kelsey Egelhof, pavilion addition, American toad, opossum, poodle algae, Nitella tenuissima, Linda Graham, walleye, Jacob Richter, mushrooms, Northstate Mycological Club, Lindsey Wells, Cora Mollen, Carolina locust |
2011 Fall - Vol. 12, No. 2 | UW-Stevens Point Mammalogy, Christopher J. Yahnke, cicada, carbon dioxide, forest soil, tree canopy, Claire Phillips, lichens, Susan Will-Wolf, Carrie Andrews, great horned owl |
2010 Fall - Vol. 11 , No. 2 | Kemp 50th anniversary, black-throated green warbler, white-faced hornets, Dolichovespula maculata, spider web, living with wolves, Christine Anhalt, gypsy moths, Ksenia Onufrieva, UW-Stevens Point Mammalogy, museum voucher specimens, Indian pipe |
2009 Fall - Vol. 10, No. 2 | Golden-winged warblers, Ethan Bowen, ovenbird nest, woodcock, Ron Hull, Amber Roth, scarlet tanager, barred owl, Coverts workshop, Dan Haskell, shoreland restoration, Wildlife field camp, Beyond Becoming an Outdoors Woman, red elderberry |
2007 Fall - Vol. 8, No. 2 | Bats, bat monitoring, David Redell, voles, moles, shrews, mice, Traveling and A Sense of Place, Tom Steele, |
2006 Fall - Vol. 7, No. 2 | Carbon dioxide, ozone, plant chemistry, insect activity, Aspen FACE site, Tim Meehan, beaver, Castor canadensis, Scott Craven, Mead Residence Hall dedication, Connor Award, |
2005 Fall - Vol. 6, No. 2 | Lowland forests, habitat types, John Kotar, Tim Burger, flying squirrels, Mead Residence Hall construction |
2004 Fall - Vol. 5, No. 2 | Forestry field camp, grey jays, whiskey jacks, tamarack, Kemp internship, John Gritt, Mead Residence Hall update |
2015 Fall - Vol. 16, No. 2 | Wild cranberries, breeding, bogs, Lorraine Rodriguz-Borilla, bee hives, Wayne Newby, monarch butterflies, Northern red oak, forest management, Brian Zweifel, Lakeland College, Paul Pickhardt, Comparative Forestry, Hadley Boehm, larval fish, UW-Milwaukee, Dr. Jim Reinartz, Vegetation of Wisconsin, deer exclosure, walleye, tadpoles, Brandon Maahs, UW-Stevens Point, AV-W Elementary School, forestry field trip, dark-eyed junco |
2004 Summer - Vol. 5, No. 1 | Old growth forests, Tom Hayes, David Mladenoff, Karla Ortman, College of Agricultural & Life Sciences Classified Staff Recognition Award, Gary Kellner, UW-Madison Classified Staff Award, Mrs. Ruth H. Wright, wood tick, jack-in-the pulpit, Kemp wireless network |
2017 Spring - Vol. 18, No. 1 | Bats, Kemp history, carpenter shop update, Connor Forestry Center, wood frog |
2003 Spring - Vol. 4, No. 1 | Forest fragmentation, northwoods housing and development, Volker Radeloff, Todd Hawbaker, Charlotte Gonzalez-Abraham, maple syrup, T1 Internet line, chimney swifts, flower spiders |
2002 Spring - Vol. 3, No. 1 | Storm timber salvage, cranberry bogs, bumble bees, Colleen Ortwine-Boes, Kemp wildflowers (trilliums, bunchberry, baneberry, sarsaparilla, goldthread, pipsissewa, wood sorrel, Solomon seal, starflower), deer browse, exclosures, Raymond Kennedy, Boathouse roof, maple syrup, Kemp dormitory project |
2001 Spring - Vol. 2, No. 1 | A Kemp Spring, Tom Steele, carbon dioxide, forests, ChEAS, Bruce Cook, Gary Kellner, Classified Employee Recognition Award, bunchberry, pitcher plant, blue flag, common tansy, the Boathouse, grey squirrels, black phase, pileated woodpecker, American crow, snowshoe hike, snow |
2003 Fall - Vol. 4, No. 2 | Residence Hall ground breaking, natural forest disturbance, Craig Lorimer, Jake Hanson, harvestmen, outreach sessions in review (paper birch, walleye, dragonflies, aquatic plants, beetles, northwoods housing development, birds, bats, wildlife) |
2002 Fall - Vol. 3, No. 2 | Wisconsin's forest history, Nancy Langston, mychorrizal fungi, Dan Lindner, Kemp internship, Sam Kwiatkowski, Master Woodland Stewards Program |
2001 Fall - Vol. 2, No. 2 | Plant communities, succession, Lucy Tallman, Wildlife Ecology field camp, EcoTrek, Kemp Internship, Jason Ludden, outreach session review (spring hike, bird hike, woodcock, bats, herptiles, fishing for walley, living with wildlife, owls, mammals, attracting wildlife, whitetail deer), black bear, milkweed, monarchs, red fox, swimmer's itch |
2000 Fall - Vol. 1, No. 1 | August 14 storm hits Kemp, aspen forests, American woodcock, golden-winged warbler, Amber Roth, Scott Lutz, Forestry summer camp, Gary Kellner, the Lodge, owls, wildlife monitoring, racoon, turtles, mallard duck, pileated woodpecker, forest tent caterpillars, porcupine |
2016 Spring - Vol. 17, No. 1 | Weather camp, Scott Bowe, NEON, American Pelicinid wasp |
2015 Spring - Vol. 16, No. 1 | Turkeys, Alec Craig, signs of spring, timber harvest, aquatic plants, winter, Susan Knight, Paul Skawinski, Andy Teal, GreenHouse Residential Learning Community, spring peeper |
2016 Fall - Vol. 17, No. 2 | Golden-winged warbler, geolocator, young forest, American woodcock, orb-weaver, spider, Eurasian water milfoil, 2, 4-D herbicide, fish, zooplankton, forests, sustainability, Connor Forestry Center dedication, Northern flicker |
2014 Fall - Vol. 15, No. 2 | Wild bees, birds, bioenergy, biodiversity, Cindy Fiser, lakeshore restoration, Kaley Genther, fireflies, soil carbon, soil nutrients, aspen, Michelle Cisz-Brill, lone star tick |
2013 Fall - Vol. 14, No. 2 | Coverts workshop, wildlife management, habitat management, James Govednik, bobcat, snowshoe hare, Sean Sultaire, sugar maple, facultative heartwood, Collin Buntrock, giant water bug |